READ THIS!! PLEASE DO NOT SKIP!! IMPORTANT!! When this installation is complete, you have a folder with several icons on your Desktop and also on your Start Menu. 1) When you first click on the E-Book icon, you may be asked if you wish to install Replica and change the location of the default directory. Replica is the Windows viewing system for the E-Book. If Explorer or other Folders open during this installation, there is no problem. Simply close them. 2) Depending upon the details of your system hardware and configuration, the software may not ask you if you wish to install Replica. In that situation, it will automatically install when you first start the E-Book: you will notice the brief display of a status gauge as several files install to your hard drive. You now have the shareware version of Replica on your hard drive. You can view an unlimited number of *.rpl documents with the shareware but can only create five *.rpl documents. Registration for Replica is NOT handled by Reality Software: you must contact Farallon Software directly - see About on the Replica Viewer Help Menu.